
Hunter!Nordics X Dragon!Reader: Fractured Pt.18.5

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Lukas’s head pounded.  His eyes lazily opened in pain and he gazed up at his surroundings.  Snow capped trees entered his view.  Birds flew from branch to branch and the sun peaked through white clouds.  It was serene.  He tried to get up in order to check around him but as soon as he moved from his position, his limbs screamed out in agony.  He clutched the fabric that was wrapped around him and came to notice that it was a familiar green cape.  

The memories from the last time that he had been conscious ran through his head more vividly then the actually experience.  As soon as the panic came to a hold, his mind concentrated on the one thing he really found important.


Despite the pain that wracked his body, Lukas stood up.  As he struggled for balance he wrapped the green cape tighter around his shivering form.  There was a bundle of blankets beside him that seemed to be covering something.  Desperate for any information on his brother, Lukas bent down and attempted to move some of the cover.  His heart skipped a beat when he saw his family member’s pale face.  He put his ear down and listened.  A small breath escaped from his colorless lips.  Relief washed over Lukas as he fell back down, the adrenaline gone.  

Even if Emil was alive now, he was in no laughing condition.  Something was seriously wrong with him.  And since Lukas wasn’t an ignorant fool, he traced it back to the she-devil that destroyed their village and life.  But as much as he wanted to pick Emil up and hike to the next town, there were some conflicting problems.  Not only was his body in no condition to do so, but there was no clue to aid him in deducting where they were.  And that lead to the larger question; how did they get here?  And to answer his question, an unfamiliar voice crept into his mind.

“You’re finally awake?” It asked

Lukas turned his head to meet a pair of bright, overly cheery, blue eyes.  The tall man had hair that was spiked in an upwards fashion, it was something was common in a different region but not in this area of mountains.  It was obvious that he was foreign.  From his expression and the way he presented himself, it was also clear that he was cheeky and loud.  Lukas already didn't like him.  And after the previous events, he most certainly didn't trust him.

“Who are you?” Lukas asked

The man seemed startled.  Though if he was, he was quick to recover and put on a larger smile then before.

“The name is Mathias Køhler, I’m a Dragon Hunter.” He responded

“A Dragon Hunter?”

“That’s right.  I was passing by your town when I noticed- Hey!  Are you listening?”

Lukas looked back from his brother to the strange man, rather Mathias, that he had just met.  His eyes met the Hunter’s and Mathias put a scowl on.

“Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine?” He said sarcastically, “Don’t you know it’s rude to ignore people while they’re talking?”

Lukas ignored him and made his way closer to Emil.  He once again checked his breathe and put his hand on his forehead.  After making a sour face, Mathias tried once again.

“Fine, if you don’t want to listen to me then I won’t help you to the next town.” He huffed

Lukas immediately stood up, ignoring any sense of pain and got in his face.  Mathias stepped back a bit after catching a bit of his death glare.  

“Listen, I’m not one to turn down those in need.  But it comes with a price.” He stated

“So you’re just out for money?”

“I never said the price was money.”

“Then what is it?”

“Your names.”

Lukas gave a dumbfounded expression, “Our names?  Are you an idiot?”

“Hey!  I just wanted to know who I was helping out.”

Lukas argued with himself over the matter.  Why would he tell a strange man their names, that would mean that he showed them his trust.  But one glance at his brother immediately changed his mind.  There was too much at stake to pass up on this opportunity.  As much as he wanted to smash this guys head inwards, he was incapable of taking care of Emil by himself.  And his brothers safety came before anything.  

“Lukas.” He spat, “And Emil.”

Mathias put on a brighter smile and bent down next to Emil.  He carefully scooped the young boy up into his arms.  His head stayed tucked into the hunters chest and there was no sign, visible or not, of Emil falling.  

“Shall we be on our way?” Mathias asked


“Be careful, you’re still injured.”

Lukas ignored him and began walking besides the hunter.  He made every attempt to hide any sign of weakness.  A few hours later, the sun started to disappear behind the west mountains.  Lukas’s stomach swelled with worry.

“Are we going to make it in time?” He asked

“I really wish that I could say yes, but your brother here is fading fast.”

Lukas stopped Mathias and looked at Emil.  His face far too pale and his breathe  far too shallow for anyone's liking.  His heart sunk, but determination rose.  Lukas completely pushed his own well being out of mind as he started to walk faster.  

“We have to make it.  Let’s go.” He stated

Mathias nodded and matched his pace.  But the piece of information that Mathias held was upsetting.  There was only about an hour left of sun, and the town was two to three hours away.  But he would not tell Lukas that.  It was courageous, what he was doing.  The breeze picked up the cape still wrapped around his shoulders.  Mathias couldn't help but give a small smile as memories flashed through his head.  He was sure that Allistor and Lukas would have been friends.  So maybe, he could become acquainted as well.  After all, journeying on your own was not advisable to those who feed on being social. But that was partially his own fault.  

But he couldn't help but give a small laugh at the thought  of Arthur's reaction after he skipped out on him.  Knowing the guy for so long allowed the conclusion that he probably wasn't that sad.  In fact, he must have been very angry.  Probably spewing about 'bloody hell' and 'being a wanker'.  But Mathias was sure that he found some people better to hang around.  As he was thinking something hit him in the stomach and knocked the wind out of him, but luckily it wasn't enough to make him drop Emil.  Lukas held out a hand that stopped him from progressing any further.  

“What is it?” He asked

“Is that a sled?” Lukas questioned

Mathias looked up and scanned through the trees.  And true to his word, there was a small sled a reachable distance away.  And next to it there was smoke rising from a bright fire.  Disbelief filled Mathias.  Maybe there was a way to save Emil?  By the time he was done thinking, Lukas was already making his way over there.  As they got closer, two outlined figures were shown by the fires glow.  

“Hello?” He called out

The figures stood up and turned to face Mathias and Lukas.  The smaller one waved and Mathias gained an odd sense about what these people were like.  As they got closer it their appearances were revealed.  

A smaller boy with blonde hair and brown eyes placed next to a large, intimidating man with glasses.  The taller one glared at Mathias and he gulped.  As much as he wanted to turn back and perhaps continue walking to town, Lukas kept a straight face and marched straight up to them.  

“Hello, what are doing out in the middle of nowhere?” the short one asked

“This isn’t the middle of nowhere.” Lukas responded, “There is a town in that direction.”

The man followed his finger and smiled, “Berwald!  We can rest in a town tonight!”

The man they assumed to be Berwald responded with a grunt of agreement.  Lukas watched them carefully as they began to pack things up.  But Berwald glanced over at Mathias and his face turned slightly displeased.   He tapped the smaller one on the shoulder.

“Tino.” He stated in a low voice

‘Tino’ looked over and caught the limp figure in Mathias’s hands.  His face immediately reflected worry and he rushed over.

“What happened?” He asked

“Poison from a Dragon.” Mathias answered

“Get him on the sled quickly.”

“You’re not going to ask us questions?”

“I can do that on the way to town.”

Mathias didn’t argue and made his way into the sled with the others.  Berwald sat up front and held the reins on the two reindeer.  Lukas immediately placed himself between Tino and Mathias.  The sled creaked as it started to move and it started racing down the hill.

“Why would you help us?” Lukas asked, “You’re putting a lot of trust in people you don’t know.”

Tino gave a small smile, regret laced in its edges.  He played with his hands in his lap and looked up at him.

“I don’t think that matters if someone is in danger.”

“Yes, but I still don’t understand.”

“Who is that boy to you?”

“My brother.”

“Well, I hope you can tru--”

His sentence was cut short when the sled came to a startling stop.  Tino climbed up to the front and sat next to his companion.  

“What happened?” He asked

Berwald simply pointed at a large tree that laid in their path.  The reindeer's were constantly trying to get over it, but their attempts failed.  Tino sighed and stepped outside the sled.  Without a second of hesitation he reached down and pulled on the tree.  Mathias and Lukas stared as Tino looked back, the tree still in his grasp.  His eyes glowed purple.  But it wasn't the purple that Lukas recalled from the girl, it was a lighter and kinder color.  

“As I was saying, I hope you can trust us to get your brother to safety.” He stated

He tossed the tree away and climbed back in.  Lukas didn’t make any attempt to move away from Tino as the sled started.  Whether he trusted him or not, Lukas was not one to let favors go unreturned.


Surprisingly, the townspeople had been quick to welcome the group as they skidded their way into town.  They quickly lead Lukas, Mathias, and Emil to the doctor.  Tino and Berwald followed the villagers in order to put their sled into storage.  

The doctor laid Emil down and began inspecting his wound.  Lukas explained the situation thoroughly.

“Is that what happened?” The doctor asked

“Yes, I have told you everything I know.”

“Very well.  You are lucky that my daughter had been on travels and brought this medicine back.”

The doctor made her way over to the cabinet and pulled out a red jar.  As she applied it she began to explain everything what exactly had happened.

“This was a close call.  If only an hour later he would be dead.” She stated

“What was that medicine you used?” Mathias asked

“It was a special concoction from the Eastern Plains.  Shame that I had to use the last of it.”  

“Thank you.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll leave you guys to rest up.  There are some blankets in the corner and I’ll tell the others that you are here.”

The doctor left and the door clicked securely behind her.  Lukas didn’t move from the chair that had earlier been provided for him.  He kept his attention fully on Emil.  He was happy to see color returning to his pale cheeks.  His breath was also stable.  He didn't even bother looking up when the door opened and Tino and Berwald walked in.  They grabbed a few blankets and sat next to Mathias on the floor.  

“Is he doing alright?” Tino asked

“It was close, but he’ll live.” Mathias replied

“Why were you guys in the mountains anyway?”

“Their village was burned down by a Dragon.  I just happened to be passing by and was able to pull the two of them out of it.”

“A Dragon?”

“Yes, but I took care of it.”

“Took care of it?  You mean you killed it?”

“It’s my job.  I’m a Dragon Hunter.  I don’t want anyone else's lives to be ruined by those monsters.”

Tino looked down at his lap.  Berwald gave Mathias another death glare.  Wow, he must have really not liked him.  But Tino spoke up and saved him.

“But you saw me earlier.” He stated

“You didn't do any harm!  In fact, you helped saved his life.” Mathias continued, “I couldn’t hate you if you haven’t done anything.”

The night began to die down and the three of them on the ground drifted off to sleep.  Even if it hadn’t been a big day for some, that small sled ride was so full of adrenaline that it would make anyone feel exhausted.  The only person who hadn’t fallen asleep was Lukas.  He looked at his brother and then back at the three men who had just pushed themselves into their lives.  

What would they do now that they had lost their home?


Emil opened his eyes and immediately squinted.  Sun was peaking through the top of the door and was directly in his face.  He also felt something heavy on his left side.  When he turned to look he was greeted with a mess of blonde hair.  He reached his hand over and flicked it.

“Lukas, what are you doing?” He asked

Lukas shot up immediately and watched as his brother swung his legs over the side of the bed and get up.  He looked around and took in his surroundings.  The memories of when he had previously been conscious also wracked his mind.  But he dismissed them and directed his attention to the three unfamiliar men sleeping on the ground.  

“Who are they?” He questioned

“Some people.” Lukas responded

“Right.  And where are we?”

“A doctors clinic.”

“So our town really was destroyed?”

Lukas’s expression turned to crestfallen and he nodded.  Emil made a sound that was the mix between anger, annoyance, and disappointment.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“You know why.”

“She was going to destroy the village anyway.  You’re not to blame.”

Emil allowed his brother to pull him into a hug.  And unknowing to him, it meant a lot more to Lukas then displayed.  

“So he woke up!” A loud voice announced

The two brothers turned to see the three men awake.

“Who are you?” Emil asked

“I’m Mathias!” One of them declared, “And this is Tino and Berwald.  Nice to see you not ‘half-dead’.”

Emil turned to Lukas and gave a confused look.  Lukas dismissed it and turned back to Mathias.

“Thanks for helping us.” He mumbled

“Any time, any time!  So what are you guys going to do now?”

Lukas thought for a second.  There wasn’t really anything he could do besides rest up here or travel.  Before he came to a conclusion, Tino spoke up.

“If it is alright with you, I was wondering if we, as in Berwald and I, could join you as Dragon Hunters.” He announced

“What?  Are you sure? I mean it’s really dangerous and you could get hurt or burned to death!”

“That’s true, but we like your cause.  We don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”

Mathias went wide eyes as he took in the words.  Unsure about what was happening he inwardly sighed.  He had been traveling alone for a while, was this a chance?  But he didn’t really know if it was best...

“Of course!” He yelled after finishing his argument with himself.  

“Great, what about you guys?”

Lukas felt disapproval run through his veins when he was referred to.

“I’m afraid we can't-” He started

“YES!”  Emil interrupted, “I mean- yes please.”

“But Emil,” Lukas tried to argue

“No.  I want to help people so the same thing that happened to us doesn’t happen again.  Will you join us Bror?”

“But you could get hurt again.”

“Then you can save me again.  I’m not giving up on this one.”

He was stubborn like his older brother.  Lukas pinched the bridge of his nose and scanned over the group of people that Emil wanted to acquaintance himself with.   There were a few things he would need to ask, but all in all it didn’t seem too bad.  

“Fine.  But I’m coming as well.”

Mathias reached over and pulled him in for a half hug.  But Lukas retaliated by pulling the collar of his shirt down, choking him in the process.  He let go and Mathias backed off.  Tino let out a laugh directed at the situation.

“By the way, what’s your name?” He asked

Without hesitation, “Lukas.  And this is Emil.”


The group of five men were in store for a bumpy ride.  After ditching their sled they traveled across places only few had gone before. They became inseparable.  Their adventures were grand and they managed to exterminate as much as thirteen Dragons.  The only one they failed to kill left Emil injured once more.  But Mathias didn't take that standing down.  As compensation he left a large scar across its left eye before it fled.  

Little did they know at the time.  It wasn't until they crossed a snowy mountain range and found an amnesiac girl would their courage, strength, and bonds be put to test.  

Their greatest adventure was about to begin.  

Their full back story revealed!  Sorry if it's a bit sloppy at the end.  I'm really sick, so the words wouldn't come out right.    On another note: Happy Holidays~!  


I don’t own Hetalia, you, or the picture!  (If you know who does own the picture- inform me.)

Hope you enjoy(ed) reading it~!

© 2014 - 2024 Ississ-Perok
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AmethystMoon420's avatar
*sniffle* So I finally reached the part where I stopped the first time I read...
Man, this was a nice thing to read. Knowing how they met, in what order, was really nice :)